Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This definition creates a smooth cone surface based on surface curvature analysis

1. Reference a curved (wavy) surface
2. Subdivide surface into smaller surfaces
3. Evaluate curvature of surface centers
4. Move and scale surface wireframes based on curvature
5. Loft original surface outlines to moved and scaled ones
6. Join and smooth results

GH Version
Plug-ins Required
1. Weaver Bird
2. Mesh Analysis and Utility

Do not put the align sections option on in the loft component. In the 
"Cone Heights" section depending on the way your initial surface is 
built you may need to reverse the vectors with the reverse vector 
component.Try using the other outputs of the surface curvature 
component. If you remove the absolute value components you will 
get extrusions on both sides of the surface. Try using the surface 
curvature component to vary simple openings on a surface like 
circles or squares.  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  1. Hello Michael Pryor, I need your help!!

    I am a architecture student at the University of Liechtenstein. Congratulation about your great work, it looks fantastic!!!

    In my case I try also to make also a cool sketch but I didn`t works. The problem now, I could not find the mistake in the Grasshopper File. Pleas could you help me.

    Mybe you could send me a Mail on my adress then I could send you some picture from my file.

    My adress christian.pfister@uni.li

    Thanks for your help.

    Good luck,
