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1. Create surfaces to blend between
2. Divide surfaces and evaluate points between
3. Create surface layers from evaluation points
4. Generate twisted boxes between each layer
5. Morph an object into the twisted boxes
2. Divide surfaces and evaluate points between
3. Create surface layers from evaluation points
4. Generate twisted boxes between each layer
5. Morph an object into the twisted boxes
GH Version
This method can blend not only between two surfaces but as many as desired.
The part named surface accuracy will determine how fine the blend is between
surfaces.Make components that connect well on all 6 sides of a box for best results.
Using planar surfaces makes it really easy to then mesh and smooth after
the morphing has taken place. This method can also be used just to obtain
layers of complex surfaces that can become really interesting without the morphing.
The part named surface accuracy will determine how fine the blend is between
surfaces.Make components that connect well on all 6 sides of a box for best results.
Using planar surfaces makes it really easy to then mesh and smooth after
the morphing has taken place. This method can also be used just to obtain
layers of complex surfaces that can become really interesting without the morphing.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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